Thursday, July 1, 2010

It's About.....TIME!

Wow, already July? With the year half over, I started contemplating it escapes me. So, I started exploring my heart again.

It’s 8AM and I’m scrambling to get out the door. How is this possible? I am running behind! But, I woke up EXTRA early to get all my files together for the day.

Not a good idea to be in a hurry when applying mascara! Who came up with the idea anyway? In haste, I splat a mound of mascara on the side of my eye, right by my nose. Great! I dab at it impatiently as I try not to mess up the other lashes. What do I end up with? A really red spot next to my eye, black fingertips, and all my other lashes stuck together. Only artists with steady hands should apply mascara. Me? Art? Nah! You know, I really should stop wearing it.

I’m frantically finishing my hair. It’s still too damp to hold any curl. I spray it with hairspray and call it good. I got used to bad hair days a long time ago…I did grow up in the 80s, you know! No such thing as a Good hair day in the life of a perfectionist...which I gave up a long time ago too!

What’s for breakfast?...Quickly scan the pantry shelves, up and down, side to side…gotcha Mister granola bar. Is that healthy? Smear peanut butter and jam on some bread. Will it stay good until lunch?

Check that the curling iron is off. Cover the messed-up mascara splotch, still red, with a dab of extra foundation. Make sure all the lights are off. Grab things off printer...proud of myself that I actually remembered them today. Yank cell phone off the charger. Refill gum stash in my purse. Pull water bottle out of the fridge. Keys for the car....keys for the car. Oh no, where are my keys? Where are my stupid keys? Open drawers, pull out cushions, dive to the floor to look under couches, scatter all the junk stashed mindlessly on the counter... What? Did I put them there? Next time I’ll remember where I put them.

Finally, on the way out, Olympic speed run, so proud of all I’ve accomplished the last 30 seconds, I step on my son’s Thomas the Train t-shirt that missed the dirty clothes hamper. “CHOO, CHOO, Chugga Chugga Chugga….” And suddenly...I slow down... halt...I begin to ponder. I think of my children and how fast they are growing up. How I wish I could make time stop. I would freeze frame my children in this moment. I would rock them and hold them forever. A quiet peace soothes me and I am calm, almost brought to tears. But, that reminds me of my shoddy mascara job and that if I cry, I’ll have to do it over. The clock! The just...won’t...stop. I run like a crazy woman at Olympic speed, and I'm out the door.

Thank you Thomas the Train, for reminding me of life’s tender moments. Next time Thomas, please stop the clock for just a little bit longer.

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