Thursday, October 14, 2010


I need your help! My office is holding a competition to see who can double the contacts in their database by the end of the year! Many of you are already in my database (lucky you ha ha) but if you’re not, all you have to do is say YES by replying to this message. I promise not to ever call and “bug” you!

Saying YES means you will get my monthly mailers: market updates, coupons for local businesses, fun recipes, household and seasonal tips, Jazz calendars, drawings for prizes, letters from Santa….and more…all FREE to you!

I am not asking YOU personally to buy or sell anytime soon, just asking if you would be in my database so if or when the time arises that you DO need my services, you know where to find me…and of course if you ever hear of anyone else, friends, family, neighbors or coworkers who need an agent, you’ll know where to send them too. My promise is to take care of people while being fun, honest and always low-pressure.

To see what past clients have to say about me, click on this link to MY WEBSITE.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The state of Utah pays YOU?

Make your home more energy efficient for practically FREE. Click the link below for more information and to see if you qualify. Have a GREAT day!

"Utah Home Performance with Energy Star Program".

Monday, July 26, 2010

Did the County Value Your Home Right?

Check your mailbox if you haven’t already received your property tax notice for 2010!

Is what the county values your home at right? (It’s hard to know with the all the recent changes in the market).

If you are unsure about the value of your home, give me a call and I will check for you! Many of the values I have checked have been pretty close, but there are some that are way off and should be disputed! As a FREE service to all my friends and neighbors, I pull the value of your home and provide you with the proof you need to present to the county if it is wrong.

Please don’t pay too much in property taxes this year!! Pass this along to anyone who may need this FREE service!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

It's About.....TIME!

Wow, already July? With the year half over, I started contemplating it escapes me. So, I started exploring my heart again.

It’s 8AM and I’m scrambling to get out the door. How is this possible? I am running behind! But, I woke up EXTRA early to get all my files together for the day.

Not a good idea to be in a hurry when applying mascara! Who came up with the idea anyway? In haste, I splat a mound of mascara on the side of my eye, right by my nose. Great! I dab at it impatiently as I try not to mess up the other lashes. What do I end up with? A really red spot next to my eye, black fingertips, and all my other lashes stuck together. Only artists with steady hands should apply mascara. Me? Art? Nah! You know, I really should stop wearing it.

I’m frantically finishing my hair. It’s still too damp to hold any curl. I spray it with hairspray and call it good. I got used to bad hair days a long time ago…I did grow up in the 80s, you know! No such thing as a Good hair day in the life of a perfectionist...which I gave up a long time ago too!

What’s for breakfast?...Quickly scan the pantry shelves, up and down, side to side…gotcha Mister granola bar. Is that healthy? Smear peanut butter and jam on some bread. Will it stay good until lunch?

Check that the curling iron is off. Cover the messed-up mascara splotch, still red, with a dab of extra foundation. Make sure all the lights are off. Grab things off printer...proud of myself that I actually remembered them today. Yank cell phone off the charger. Refill gum stash in my purse. Pull water bottle out of the fridge. Keys for the car....keys for the car. Oh no, where are my keys? Where are my stupid keys? Open drawers, pull out cushions, dive to the floor to look under couches, scatter all the junk stashed mindlessly on the counter... What? Did I put them there? Next time I’ll remember where I put them.

Finally, on the way out, Olympic speed run, so proud of all I’ve accomplished the last 30 seconds, I step on my son’s Thomas the Train t-shirt that missed the dirty clothes hamper. “CHOO, CHOO, Chugga Chugga Chugga….” And suddenly...I slow down... halt...I begin to ponder. I think of my children and how fast they are growing up. How I wish I could make time stop. I would freeze frame my children in this moment. I would rock them and hold them forever. A quiet peace soothes me and I am calm, almost brought to tears. But, that reminds me of my shoddy mascara job and that if I cry, I’ll have to do it over. The clock! The just...won’t...stop. I run like a crazy woman at Olympic speed, and I'm out the door.

Thank you Thomas the Train, for reminding me of life’s tender moments. Next time Thomas, please stop the clock for just a little bit longer.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Hey, Soul Mate

You ever heard that song Hey, Soul Sister by Train? You should listen to it before reading the rest of this so you get the full effect of the power of the song. It’s been declared our couples “Theme song of the Year” by none other than…drum roll please…my husband! Yes, Mister “I Can’t Sing” himself. He will never admit he sings (and if you were to hear him you might agree), but my secret is that I love, I adore, when he gets stuck on a favorite song. But I do believe I’m the only one in the family who isn’t deaf. When a favorite song comes on in the car, it gets cranked up so loud my face hurts! Silly me, and I thought my entire family had selective hearing whenever I was talking to them. No, they’re all just downright deaf! Back to the song…imagine my new “song of the year” playing very loudly in the car, where I can’t escape. It’s actually a beautiful thing. I have to admit there is nothing sweeter than when he sings out at the top of his lungs, forgetting he thinks he can’t sing, his whole heart and soul on the line. Then, the chorus, his favorite part of all; therefore, the loudest part of all…He looks over at me with his happy, in-love eyes and belts out, “Hey Soul Sister….”. Such a simple gesture of love, really. It warms my soul, and well, it makes me cry. Did I just admit that? So what is a soul mate anyway? If I am his soul sister, then here’s what it must mean:

• I love him so much it makes me cry
• He loves me so much it makes me cry
• He makes me so happy I want to cry
• I get so angry at him I want to cry
• I get so angry at him, and he laughs
• The happiest moments of my life always have him in it
• When he’s not around, I’m empty because I’m missing half of me
• He offers to the relationship what I don’t have
• He makes me laugh, cry, keep going when I think I’m done
• Makes me better than I ever would have been on my own
• Pulls out my higher self, a better me
• Oh, and his dimples are to die for!

Oh my goodness, I think I’m sick in love with my soul mate!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Shall We Dance?

Today is a rainy spring day, and so was yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before…well, OK, the day before that was actually sunny. One sunny day per week so far this spring? Not bad! Do rainy days and Mondays get me down? No way! Here is what rain means to me! The smell of the rain and the cloudy skies remind me that we are on the last few weeks before school is out. Summer is almost here! Amazing how the school years remain such a large part of my adult life. I still have nightmares that I can't remember my locker combination and I'm late to class, or I can’t remember what class I have so I go to the wrong one. I’ve only been out of school now for…hmmm... 17 years! But somehow the excitement of the beginning of summer is still awake in me. Most of all, I love the rain because it reminds me of my mother. Oh, how she loves the rain! Who better to water the flowers and plants than God himself? There’s a quote about learning to dance in the rain. Lucky for me, that’s something I don’t have to learn. My mother often went outside with us during the biggest downpours and we DANCED! I do not dread or fear the rain. Instead, I welcome it and the beautiful memories of fun, of laughter. Shall we DANCE?

Monday, May 10, 2010

Finding Me!

Is this for real? Someone pinch me to see if I’m awake. I can’t believe I really started a blog! I have been afraid of blogging for three years. How will I know what to write? Will people laugh, not because of my content, but because of spelling or punctuation errors? I’ve never written a good article in my life! Let’s not even talk about the things I “wrote” in school… that will give me the hives. I never know what to say even when speaking, how can I write things people will understand? How can I let people know on paper how I really feel? Other blogs I read sound so ingenious, so heart felt or so funny. I am just a regular everyday person with a normal life. If this is nothing more than an online journal for myself, a way to put my feelings down on paper, than I guess it’s worth doing. I am starting this blog not knowing what to expect, not knowing if it will be anything more than two or three entries. Lately, I have felt a need to dig deeper in my soul. I want to uncover layer upon layer of memories and feelings I have hidden deep. I want to discover and explore me! So, here I am, simple me, taking the plunge into the deep unknown and I place a checkmark on my ever growing list of Things To Do Before I Turn 95.