Friday, May 14, 2010

Hey, Soul Mate

You ever heard that song Hey, Soul Sister by Train? You should listen to it before reading the rest of this so you get the full effect of the power of the song. It’s been declared our couples “Theme song of the Year” by none other than…drum roll please…my husband! Yes, Mister “I Can’t Sing” himself. He will never admit he sings (and if you were to hear him you might agree), but my secret is that I love, I adore, when he gets stuck on a favorite song. But I do believe I’m the only one in the family who isn’t deaf. When a favorite song comes on in the car, it gets cranked up so loud my face hurts! Silly me, and I thought my entire family had selective hearing whenever I was talking to them. No, they’re all just downright deaf! Back to the song…imagine my new “song of the year” playing very loudly in the car, where I can’t escape. It’s actually a beautiful thing. I have to admit there is nothing sweeter than when he sings out at the top of his lungs, forgetting he thinks he can’t sing, his whole heart and soul on the line. Then, the chorus, his favorite part of all; therefore, the loudest part of all…He looks over at me with his happy, in-love eyes and belts out, “Hey Soul Sister….”. Such a simple gesture of love, really. It warms my soul, and well, it makes me cry. Did I just admit that? So what is a soul mate anyway? If I am his soul sister, then here’s what it must mean:

• I love him so much it makes me cry
• He loves me so much it makes me cry
• He makes me so happy I want to cry
• I get so angry at him I want to cry
• I get so angry at him, and he laughs
• The happiest moments of my life always have him in it
• When he’s not around, I’m empty because I’m missing half of me
• He offers to the relationship what I don’t have
• He makes me laugh, cry, keep going when I think I’m done
• Makes me better than I ever would have been on my own
• Pulls out my higher self, a better me
• Oh, and his dimples are to die for!

Oh my goodness, I think I’m sick in love with my soul mate!


  1. Sweet! I have to admit that my favorite thing about James is his laugh. He truly has the most contagious laugh I have ever heard! I just love to hear him laugh.

    I sent you an invite to my blog. Let me know if you DON'T get it!

  2. That is pretty sweet. You write like you talk in real life- genuine and so full of happiness. You're great.
    Glad you mentioned you had a blog on FB. I love blogs for the chance to keep up with one a cheater way...without going to one another's houses. :) Thanks for all you do for us in RS. You're amazing.
